Matthew LaClair, Ph.D.

Psychology & Sociology
College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Massachusetts Amherst
B.A., Psychology, Eastern Connecticut State University
Research Interests
My research explores the ways in which sex hormones, like estradiol and testosterone, impact our ability to think and remember.
Recent Publications
Harding, S. M.; Van Dyke, A. R., Little, M. & LaClair, M. G. (2023). Sex differences in behavior and glutamic acid decarboxylase in Long Evans rats after prolonged social isolation beginning in adolescence. Manuscript submitted for publication.
LaClair, M., Febo, M., Nephew, B., Gervais, N. J., Poirier, G., Workman, K., S. Chumachenko, L. Payne, M.C. Moore, J.A. King & Lacreuse, A. (2019). Sex differences in cognitive flexibility and resting brain networks in middle-aged marmosets. ENeuro, 6(4).