Michael Collura, Ph.D.

Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University
M.S. in Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University
B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Lafayette College
Licensed Professional Engineer, Pennsylvania
About Michael
Dr. Collura joined the faculty of the University of New Haven in September of 1987 as Director of the new Chemical Engineering Program. He guided the program through its initial ABET accreditation in 1994, resulting in full accreditation. He served as department chair from September 1993 through 2002. During the past several years he led the development and implementation of the unique Multidisciplinary Engineering Foundation Spiral Curriculum, a 2-year sequence of multidisciplinary courses taken by all engineering students at the University of New Haven. Prior to joining the University of New Haven faculty, he taught at Lafayette College.
Dr. Collura’s industrial experience includes research in coal liquefaction and wastewater treatment as well as process development for chemicals manufacturing. His current interests include computer applications in chemical engineering, modeling and control of processes, and innovations in engineering education. He is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (former chair of the Yankee Clippers section) and the American Society for Engineering Education. Personal interests include guitar (contemporary liturgical music), percussion, home improvement projects, photography, and science fiction.
Published Books and Articles
"Effect of Freshman Chemistry on Student Performance in Sophomore Engineering Courses", Proceedings of the ASEE 20119 National Conference & Exposition, Session W522A
"A Model for Coordination and Management of resources for Multiple Sections of an Active-Learning Style Freshman Course", Proceedings of the ASEE 2009 National Conference & Exposition, Session 1102
"How Accurate Is Students' Self-Assessment of Computer Skills?", Proceedings of the ASEE 2008 National Conference & Exposition, Session 2439
"The Current Generation of Integrated Engineering Curriculum", Proceedings of the ASEE 2007 National Conference & Exposition, Session 1430
"A Multidisciplinary Modeling Course as a Foundation for Study of an Engineering Discipline", Proceedings of the ASEE 2006 National Conference and Exposition, Session 1693
"Are Attitudes Toward Engineering Influenced by a Project-Based Introductory Course?", Proceedings of the ASEE 2005 National Conference & Exposition, Session 1793
"Adapting a Traditional Chemical Engineering program to Follow a Multidisciplinary Engineering Foundation Spiral", Proceedings of the ASEE 2005 National Conference & Exposition, Session 3613
"Learning the Methods of Engineering Analysis Using Case Studies, Excel, and VBA", Proceedings of the ASEE 2004 National Conference & Exposition, Session 1520
"Development of a Multidisciplinary Engineering Foundation Spiral", Curricular Change Issues, Proceedings of the ASEE 2004 National Conference & Exposition,Session 2630