Mirlinda Ndrecka, Ph.D.

Criminal Justice
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice; February, 2014
Charleston Southern University, Charleston, SC
Master of Science in Criminal Justice; May, 2004
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice; May, 2002
About Mirlinda
Dr. Ndrecka has taught courses at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels, and specializes courses in the areas of research methods, criminological theory, and correctional practices and programs.
Dr. Ndrecka’s research interests include criminological theory, offender risk assessment, effective correctional programming, correctional program implementation, and program evaluation. She has considerable experience in working closely with multiple correctional agencies in evaluating correctional programs and assisting correctional agencies in improving their treatment modules by developing sets of guidelines on evidence based correctional treatments. Dr. Ndrecka has been involved with two Second Chance Act grants, one with the State of Connecticut and one with the city of New Haven, CT.
Recent Scholarly Activity
Recent Publications
Koetzle, Deborah, Ndrecka, Mirlinda, & Shelley Johnson (Forthcoming). On the road: The challenges and benefits of agency research, Victims & Offenders.
Ndrecka, Mirlinda (January, 2020). Gender and white-collar crime – Implications for corrections research and practice, Criminal Justice Studies, 33, 70-78. DOI:10.1080/1478601X.2020.1709955
Ndrecka. M. (2018) What works in reentry programs: A meta-analysis. Published in Crimesolutions.gov.
Ndrecka, Mirlinda, Listwan, Shelley, & Latessa, Edward (July, 2017). What works in reentry and how to improve outcomes. In Stojkovic, S. (Ed.) Prisoner Reentry: Critical Issues and Policy Directions. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
Recently Funded Grants & Contracts
Principal Investigators: Connecticut Department of Corrections, & Mirlinda Ndrecka, Awarded $640,000. (2016 – 2021). BJA Second Chance Act Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Implementation Program. Connecticut Recidivism Reduction Program.
Subcontractor: Development Services Group, Inc. Awarded $42,643.80. (2020-2023). State of Connecticut Judicial Branch Juvenile Justice Process and Outcome Evaluation.
Principal Investigators: Connecticut Department of Corrections, Mirlinda Ndrecka, & Chris Sedelmaier. Awarded $93,480. (2015-2016). BJA Second Chance Act Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Strategic Planning Program. Connecticut Recidivism Reduction Strategic Planning Grant.
Principal Investigators: City of New Haven & Mirlinda Ndrecka. Awarded $120,005. (2015-2019). BJA Second Chance Act Two-Phase Adult Reentry Demonstration Program: Planning and Implementation: Local. New Haven Fresh Start Reentry Initiative.
Grant Reports
Ndrecka, M., & Sedelmaier, C. (2021). BJA – Second Chace Act: Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Grant: Process and Outcome Evaluation (2016-2021). Prepared for the Connecticut Department of Corrections.
Ndrecka, M. (2021). BJA – Second Chace Act: Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Grant: Interim Evaluation Report of Grant Activities (2016-2021). Prepared for the Connecticut Department of Corrections.
Ndrecka, M. (2019). Outcome Evaluation of the BJA Second Chance Act Two-Phase Adult Reentry Demonstration Program: Planning and Implementation: Local. New Haven Fresh Start Reentry Initiative. Prepared for the City of New Haven.
Ndrecka, M. (2018). Activities Report of the First Year of Implementation of the Statewide Recidivism Reduction Grant. Prepared for Connecticut Department of Corrections.
Ndrecka, M., & Zielinska, E. (2018). Process Evaluation of the BJA Second Chance Act Two-Phase Adult Reentry Demonstration Program: Planning and Implementation: Local. New Haven Fresh Start Reentry Initiative. Prepared for the City of New Haven.
Ndrecka, M., & Sedelmaier, C. (2016). Process Evaluation of the Statewide Recidivism Reduction Strategic Planning Grant. Prepared for Connecticut Department of Corrections.
Conference Presentations
Ndrecka, Mirlinda & Christopher Sedelmaier. (November, 2019). Effective Reentry: Experiences form a Statewide Recidivism Reduction Approach. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Ndrecka, Mirlinda & Christopher Sedelmaier. (November, 2018). Predictive Validity of the LSI-R: An Examination Across Race and Gender. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Zieliska, Ewa, Mirlinda Ndrecka, & David Myers. (November, 2018). Risk and Protective Factors for Radicalization of Individuals in the United States. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Dutton, Leila & Mirlinda Ndrecka (November, 2018). Validation of a Domestic Violence Risk Assessment Tool. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Ndrecka, Mirlinda. (November, 2017). Enabling Successful Reentry: Results from a Collaborative-Approach Reentry Program. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Sedelmaier, Christopher & Mirlinda Ndrecka. (November, 2017). Risk-Assessment, Race, And Recidivism: Examining for Potential Predictive Bias. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Research Interests
Correctional Theory, Correctional Program Evaluation, Evidence-Based Planning and Implementation, Reentry programs, Risk Assessment in Corrections, Criminological Theory, Research Methods.