Healthcare Administration (MHA)
Our Master of Healthcare Administration provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to lead a health care organization into the 21st century.
Learn MoreThere Are Advantages to Belonging to the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA). Big Ones.
If you’re a graduate student or a healthcare organization, you know that enhancing your education or your offerings will make a huge difference in how successful you are. That’s why the University of New Haven is thrilled to offer you the benefits of our collaborative program with the American College of Health Care Administrators. Through membership in this program, students will have the opportunity to enroll in graduate programs and earn graduate certificates at a substantially discounted rate.
The University is an experienced collaborator with high-profile healthcare organizations. We have a 20-year history of developing leaders in healthcare management, which started at New Haven’s St. Raphael’s Hospital in 1994 with the Master of Science in Healthcare Administration (MSHA) program. Since 2011, the University’s corporate cohort Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) program has graduated more than 75 students who have achieved success and helped drive innovation in their organizations. Our faculty have designed and executed leadership development and innovation programs for more than 25 years. We are nationally recognized experts in healthcare leadership, conflict resolution, healthcare entrepreneurship and innovation, and business strategy.
* - Based on their academic resume, some prospective students may earn more than 20% discount via scholarships or other institutional aid. Students who earn more than a 20% discount via their application will receive the higher of the aid amounts, only, i.e. the discounts do not "stack" together. Certain fully online master's degree programs are not eligible for discount.
To start an application to one of the discount-eligible degree programs, simply click the "Apply" button on this page, or, click the "Apply" button on any of the linked program pages listed below.
In order to receive a tuition discount, students must submit proof of active ACHCA Membership to the Bursar's Office. Membership verification should be emailed to Kathryn Roach at KRoach@newhaven.edu. To continue receiving a tuition discount, proof of membership must be submitted once per academic year and are due two weeks prior to the first day of classes.
Our Master of Healthcare Administration provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to lead a health care organization into the 21st century.
Learn MoreThe University of New Haven’s Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc) program takes you to the top of your field — to a career in administration, teaching, or applied research or practice – where advanced capabilities in conceptual thinking, original research, data analysis, and writing are essential in order to advance to high-level executive positions or academic appointments.
Learn MoreThe Master of Science in Nutrition Sciences program provides a curriculum and supervised experiences that are designed to fulfill required competencies established by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Learn MoreOur Occupational Therapy Program is a graduate degree program for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree in a field other than occupational therapy.
Learn MoreOur Master of Public Health is one of the most innovative public health programs in the United States. Our interdisciplinary curriculum equips you with the skills and experience to excel in the 21st century health workforce and enables you to contribute to the quest of improving the public’s health.
Learn MoreUniversity of New Haven’s M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology provides students with the knowledge and skill to help patients of all ages with communication disorders.
This program is in development.
Learn MoreEnhance your professional degree with a graduate certificate. Each certificate is carefully designed as a concentrated introduction to a particular subject area and consists of courses totaling twelve or more credit hours. Both the certificates in Long-Term Care Administration and in Healthcare Administration are eligible for the ACHA discount.
Learn MoreWhile this page lists all of our eligible School of Health Sciences programs and certificates, the University of New Haven had dozens more eligible programs in our other colleges. Click he link below to browse our full list of graduate programs and certificates. Please note: certain fully online degree programs are not eligible for the ACHCA discount.
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