Winter Commencement Day Details and FAQ


Location and Time

The University of New Haven’s Winter Commencement will take place on Sunday, December 12, 2021, at the Toyota Oakdale Theatre, located at 95 South Turnpike Road, Wallingford, Conn.

The ceremony will also be streamed live. A link to the live stream will appear on the Winter Commencement website the morning of the ceremony.


COVID-19 Information

Please note that the details below are subject to change based on the evolving impact of the pandemic.

All graduates, guests (over the age of two), faculty, and staff will need to provide proof of being fully vaccinated (defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as being 14 full days past receiving the final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine) OR proof of a negative PCR or viral antigen test COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to the ceremony. (COVID-19 tests must be taken on or after Thursday, Dec. 9.) No on-site testing will be provided. All guests will need to provide a photo ID with their required COVID-19 documentation upon arrival at Commencement. Photos or screenshots of a vaccination card or record are acceptable, as well as any government-approved platform (ex. NYS Excelsior Pass), provided they display the requisite information.

All graduates as well as faculty and staff must be “cleared” in CoVerified in order to enter the Toyota Oakdale Theatre for Commencement.

All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, must wear an appropriate face covering at all times while in the venue. Masks must be at least 2-ply fabric and tight fitting across the nose and mouth. No gaiters, bandanas or loose coverings will be allowed. Face coverings must not contain offensive language.

Any individual who has been ordered to quarantine or isolate by their local government or the University and is still in quarantine or isolation on Sunday, December 12, may not attend Commencement. An individual’s quarantine or isolation period must end by Saturday, December 11, and must be symptom-free for the final 24 hours of your quarantine or isolation to attend.


Participating Student Information

Graduates will receive four guest tickets. All tickets will be distributed electronically through MarchingOrder. Gradautes should look for announcements via their University of New Haven email.

Academic regalia (cap and gown) is available for pick-up at the Bookstore.

Students participating in Commencement do not need a ticket.

Graduates should arrive by 12:30 p.m. Remember your regalia.

We ask that all students participating in the Commencement ceremony remain in their seats throughout the entire ceremony.


Guest Information

All graduates will be given four (4) guest tickets. All guests, including children two years of age and older, will require a ticket to enter. There are no exceptions.

Due to the number of guests attending the Commencement ceremony, entering and exiting the parking lots could require additional time. Please plan accordingly.

Graduation memorabilia, including flowers and t-shirts, will be available for sale in the lobby of the Oakdale Theatre.

Snacks and beverages will be available to purchase from the Oakdale Theatre.

We ask that all guests remain in their seats throughout the entire ceremony.

Please note that to facilitate an uninterrupted processional, the lobby doors will be closed and held between 1:45 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. No guests will have access to the theater during these times. Guests wishing to view the processional should be seated prior to 1:45 p.m.


Ceremony Schedule

12:15 p.m. Student buses will leave the University of New Haven's main campus in front of Maxcy Hall for Toyota Oakdale Theatre. (Students must pre-register for transportation from campus to Toyota Oakdale Theatre.)
12:30 p.m. Doors will open for seating. No guests will be admitted without a ticket. Guest seating is not assigned.
12:30 p.m. All students participating in the ceremony will check in and must have their 鶹ý Card ID and all regalia prior to being lined up for the processional. Students who do not have their cap and gown will be ineligible to participate. Regalia is not available on-site.
1:45 p.m. Please note that to facilitate an uninterrupted processional, the lobby doors will be closed and held between 1:45 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. No guests will have access to the theater during these times. Guests wishing to view the processional should be seated prior to 1:45 p.m.
2:00 p.m. Procession begins. The doors will close at 1:45 p.m. and remain closed until the conclusion of the procession.
2:15 p.m. Ceremony begins and will last approximately one hour and 45 minutes. We ask that all students participating in Commencement and their guests remain in their seats throughout the entire ceremony.
3:45 p.m. (approximately) Ceremony to end.

Frequently Asked Questions


Tickets and Seating