In the Media
Chris Haynes, associate professor of international affairs, national security and political science, comments on why people in rural cities may not be able to relate to experiences in urban communities.
In the Media
Chris Haynes, associate professor of international affairs, national security and political science, comments on why people in rural cities may not be able to relate to experiences in urban communities.
In the Media
The University of New Haven’s Fire Science and Emergency Management degrees were ranked number two by CEO World.
In the Media
Charles A. Morgan, professor of national security, talks about cases of extreme workplace violence and why early intervention is important to evaluate a disgruntled employee.
In the Media
David Sacco, practitioner in residence for finance, comments on cryptocurrencies and how companies will be using this type of currency in the future.
In the Media
Shirley Conyers ’21 M.S. was sworn in as sergeant in the East Haven Police Department.
In the Media
Lisa Dadio, senior lecturer and director of the Center for Advanced Policing, talks about a case of how officers handle a domestic call with an armed man and a case of missing children in Michigan.
In the Media
Kenneth Gray, senior lecturer of criminal justice, talks about the databases for DNA from felons that help to solve cold cases.
In the Media
Kenneth Gray, senior lecturer of criminal justice, comments on how establishing intent of the husband may change the charges in the Jessica Edwards case.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, comments on having the bride and groom ask wedding guests for their vaccination status for a safe reception.
In the Media
Brian Marks, senior lecturer and executive director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, talks about the structural transformation of the economy because of the pandemic.
In the Media
Robert Manning ’92 MBA wrote an article on a demonstration project that shows how intelligent management of distributed energy resources can propel clean energy forward.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, talks about how people are now willing to have a conversation about police reform.
In the Media
Tiffany Brum, a junior studying Criminal Justice, received her third annual scholarship from the Boys & Girls Club of Lower Naugatuck Valley.
In the Media
Karl Minges, assistant professor and chair of health administration and policy, comments that if you are vaccinated, it’s pretty safe to do most activities.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, comments that fully vaccinated people may not need to wear a mask, but should continue to keep physical distance from others.
In the Media
Charles A. Morgan, professor of national security, comments on being a physician and working for the CIA.
In the Media
Howard Stoffer, associate professor of national security, comments on the upcoming meeting between President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In the Media
Michele Smallidge, lecturer and director of the B.S. Exercise Science Program, comments on why many people have added an extra five to ten pounds from the pandemic.
In the Media
Mike Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments on defunding the police as shootings are up in almost every city in the country
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president for diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, comments on officers that need additional training on how to de-escalate effectively.
In the Media
Brian Marks, senior lecturer and executive director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, comments on the states using back to work bonuses for those currently on unemployment.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, talks about the measures that need go into the police reform bill.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, talks about building community and police relations on the anniversary of the murder of George Floyd.
In the Media
Jan Louise Jones, lecturer and coordinator for Hospitality and Tourism, comments on how the revenue for Alaska’s summer tourism is vital to the state’s economy.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, comments on teens advocating for their decision for the vaccine if their parents are anti-vaxxers.
In the Media
It’s been almost a week since fully vaccinated people in the state could take off their face mask in certain spots. In Meriden, many people have already ditched their mask or are planning to do soon.
In the Media
Melissa Whitson, associate professor of psychology, talks about the reasons why some people who have been vaccinated continue to wear their face masks outdoors.
In the Media
Chris Haynes, associate professor of national security and political science, comments on the Republican candidates who may run for president in 2024.
In the Media
Melissa Whitson, associate professor of psychology, comments on changing up a routine to help children form new habits.
In the Media
Mike Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments that adding an enhanced civilian oversight board would help to improve community and police relations.
In the Media
Brian Marks, senior lecturer and executive director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, comments on the economic plan being released this weekend by the Biden administration.
In the Media
George Synodi, vice president for finance and administration, comments on the benefits of Allingtown development for students and the University of New Haven.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, comments on teens speaking with their parents on whether they should get the vaccine.
In the Media
Gil Fried, professor and chair of sport management, comments on when leagues should drop the mask mandate in stadiums.
In the Media
Roger Kemp, adjunct for public management, wrote an opinion on America’s infrastructure for the American Society for Public Administration.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, comments that chokeholds should become felonies if used to encourage compliance.
In the Media
Lisa Dadio, senior lecturer and director of the Center for Advanced Policing, talks about a suspect crashing into a police officer’s vehicle, a child locked in deplorable conditions, and a deputy who lifts an SUV off of a pinned mother.
In the Media
Jason Chung, associate professor and executive director of Esport Business Programs, talks about a recent study indicating the majority of children playing video games do not become addicted.
In the Media
Vahid Behzadan, assistant professor of cybersecurity and networks, data science, and computer engineering, talks about the use of deep fakes and how hard they are to detect.
In the Media
Renee Allen, adjunct for hospitality and tourism, wrote an article reviewing three little known wines varieties.
In the Media
Gil Fried, professor and chair of sport management, comments on what happens to the fans when sports and politics collide.
In the Media
William Carbone, senior lecturer and director of Experiential Education, comments on a bill raising the minimum age for arrest from 7 to 10 years old.
In the Media
Brian Marks, senior lecturer and executive director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, comments on planning your trip and checking on restrictions before you leave.
In the Media
Martin O’Connor, associate professor of fire science and assistant chair of criminal justice, led the funeral Mass of fallen firefighter Ricardo Torres from the New Haven Fire Department.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president for diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, and Mike Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, were featured as speakers to help local law enforcement agencies fulfill their goals of completing expanded diversity, equity and inclusion training, as outlined in many community plans developed under Executive Order 203.
In the Media
Jon Sideriadis will be discussing the writing and painting process of his recently published mythology book, Astromythos
In the Media
The New Haven Fire Department and the University of New Haven will host a training symposium in honor of Ricardo Torres on firefighter tactics, mental health, health, safety, and the well-being of firefighters, and support services for spouses, and partner support.
In the Media
Michael Urban, senior lecturer and director of the Doctorate of Occupational Therapy, comments that vaccination incentives only work if they are targeting the right audience.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, and Brian Marks, senior lecturer and executive director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, comment on how companies may decide when to have employees return to work in office buildings.
In the Media
Jan Louise Jones, lecturer and coordinator for Hospitality and Tourism Management, comments on pressure for companies to hire staff for the summer travel season.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, took part in a panel discussion as the state begins removing COVID restrictions.
In the Media
Michael Urban, senior lecturer and director of the Doctorate of Occupational Therapy, comments that if the workforce is not using their vacation time, employers need to help find solutions.
In the Media
Gil Fried, professor and chair of sport management, comments on the potential for confrontations in the stands when stadiums return to full capacity.
In the Media
Chris Haynes, associate professor of political science and national security, comments on why the Trump rallies are resuming.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, talks about redesigning the policing structure.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, talks about the police union and police reform.
In the Media
Robert Sanders, associate professor and chair of national security, talks about needing time to heal, but incidents continue to occur with policing in communities of color.
In the Media
Vahid Behzadan, assistant professor for cybersecurity and networks, data science, and computer engineering, comments on how the app failed to provide users with a level of control over their data.
In the Media
Students from the University of New Haven’s NAACP chapter will lead a sensitivity training with staff and students at public schools in the fall.
In the Media
Karl Minges, assistant professor and chair of Health Administration and Policy, talks about asking for proof of COVID vaccination and whether or not it is a HIPAA violation.
In the Media
John Rosen, adjunct professor of economics, talks about how the removal of restrictions on face masks is helping businesses.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, talks about the role of the chief of police in the community.
In the Media
The University of New Haven has partnered with Yale University’s Prison Education Initiative to develop an associate’s degree program set to launch this fall through a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
In the Media
Kenneth Gray, senior lecturer of criminal justice, talks about the cooperation between state, local and federal authorities on a missing South Windsor mother.
In the Media
Mike Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments on the recent uptick in violence across Connecticut.
In the Media
Karl Minges, assistant professor and chair of Public Health and Administration, comments on the gray area of asking for a vaccine card as proof of vaccination.
In the Media
Howard Stoffer, associate professor of national security, talks about the airstrikes between Israel and Palestine and who is supplying Hamas with weapons.
In the Media
Ophelie Rowe-Allen, dean of students, talks about the opportunity to be a part of the Havenly Treats Fellowship for refugee and immigrant women.
In the Media
John DeCarlo, associate professor and director of the Master’s Program in Criminal Justice, comments on the approximate cost annually for police protection per person in the United States.
In the Media
Vahid Behzadan, assistant professor of cybersecurity and networks, data science, and computer engineering, comments on the Venmo app and the security exposure for President Biden and his family.
In the Media
Gil Fried, professor and chair of sport management, comments that sports fans in the stadium should still wear facemasks.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, talks about the India Covid variant and its spread throughout the United States.
In the Media
Mike Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments on whether violent crime will spike this summer.
In the Media
Vahid Behzadan, assistant professor for cybersecurity and computer engineering, comments on the vulnerability from using an app, like President Biden did with his Venmo account.
In the Media
Howard Stoffer, associate professor of national security, comments on the need for a third party country to intervene between Israel and Palestine, but it may not be America.
In the Media
David Sacco, practitioner in residence, comments on the projected value of Bitcoin in a year.
In the Media
Brian Marks, senior lecturer and executive director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, comments on the consent of teens in a national health emergency to receive the vaccine.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, comments on the relationship between the police and communities of color.
In the Media
John Rosen, adjunct professor of economics, comments on the economy moving forward says inflation may become a concern.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, comments on the long history of racist strands in policing.
In the Media
Brian Marks, senior lecturer and executive director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, comments that it will be important check if summer vacation destinations and restaurants are open and staffed.
In the Media
Chris O’Brien, associate professor of forensic science, talks about how police and forensic scientists may be able to determine the skeletal remains found in a garage.
In the Media
Vahid Behzadan, assistant professor of computer and electrical engineering and computer science, talks about the cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline.
In the Media
John Rosen, adjunct professor of economics, says the economic impact for gasoline on Memorial Day weekend should be minimal unless the pipeline continues to be down.
In the Media
Matthew Schmidt, associate professor of criminal justice and national security, comments that as the government tries to do more with fewer employees, it can create vulnerabilities in computer systems.
In the Media
Karl Minges, assistant professor and chair of Health Administration and Policy, talks about the need for community leaders to continue to advocate for getting the vaccine.
In the Media
Demissew Ejara, associate professor of finance, answers questions on personal loans and gives advice about paying them back.
In the Media
John Rosen, adjunct professor of economics, comments on union employees cheating or lying to take a day off but asks if unions will allow employees to be disciplined.
In the Media
Howard Stoffer, associate professor of national security, comments on the changing dynamics of the Five Eyes Alliance as nations need to have China as an ally for commerce.
In the Media
Mike Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments that Gonzalez’s death shows a need for services to be available other than calling the police.
In the Media
University President Steven Kaplan, Ph.D. and Sheahon Zenger, athletic director, comment on the University of New Haven’s viability for Division I athletics.
In the Media
Karl Minges, assistant professor and chair of Health Administration and Policy, comments that companies requiring employees to be vaccinated may be held liable for adverse effects down the road.
In the Media
Robert Sanders, associate professor and chair of national security, comments on The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that would allow gun manufacturers to be sued if a gun was used in a crime.
In the Media
Chris Haynes, associate professor of political science, national security and legal studies, comments that the decision to continue to ban the former President is a reflection on how polarized our society has become.
In the Media
Bruce Barber, WNHU General Manager, talks about why record stores are so popular again.
In the Media
Kenneth Gray, senior lecturer of criminal justice, talks about the value of a catalytic converter and how thieves are getting away with stealing them.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, comments that it’s the second dose that gives you the maximum amount of protection.
In the Media
Mike Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments on one of the jurors speaking out about the case.
In the Media
Matthew West ’05 M.S. has been nominated as a teacher of the year finalist.
In the Media
The University was ranked among the colleges and universities for 2021.
In the Media
Brian Marks, senior lecturer and executive director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, comments that changes in the tax codes, incorrect information and the pandemic are some of the reasons for delay on a tax refund this year.
In the Media
Jason Chung, associate professor and executive director of Esport Business Programs, talks about the reason that Epic Games is suing to recover on the fees they charge for having Apple users download their games.
In the Media
Matthew West ’05 M.S. is one of three finalists for the 2021 Teacher of the Year.
In the Media
Summer Johnson McGee, dean of the School of Health Sciences, joins a panel discussion on the fall semester and how Covid may impact students and faculty.
In the Media
Gabriela Garcia-Perez ’24 helped to organize fifty students to clean up Long Wharf Park.
In the Media
Lorenzo Boyd, vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, spoke at a forum for improving the relationship between the community and police officers.
In the Media
Jason Chung, assistant professor and executive director of Esport Business Programs, comments that the importance of a certification process is meant to confirm mastery of requisite skills.
In the Media
Mike Lawlor, associate professor of criminal justice, comments on how the Chauvin case will bring about police reform in multiple ways.
In the Media
The University of New Haven was mentioned as one of the universities offering virtual and in person campus tours for incoming students.
In the Media
Declan Hill, associate professor of investigations, and his students hosted Joe Pistone, a former FBI agent aka Donnie Brasco, for The CrimeWaves podcast series.